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8 Signs Your Babe is in Love with Another Guy

8 Signs Your Babe is in Love with Another Guy - MirrorLog

Imagine you're sitting on the couch, watching TV with your babe, when she suddenly jumps up and starts searching for her phone. 

You ask her what's wrong, and she says something like "nothing jaree, just need to check something quickly."

But as you watch her type, you observe that she do use her phone beside you, but this time, she's far away, even smiling at her phone...
You ask her who she's texting, and she replied with "nobody"

If you're starting to feel like you're losing your girlfriend's attention to someone (or something) else, it may be time to pay attention to the signs below. 

Here are 8 signs that your girl might be in love with another guy:

8. She's avoiding future plans: If your girl is consistently avoiding conversations about future plans or seems uninterested in making long-term commitments...

7. She's changed her appearance: If your girl has suddenly changed her appearance, style, or grooming habits...

6. She's now posting more: If your girl is now posting more of her pictures...

5. She's distant and preoccupied: If your girl seems distant, preoccupied, or distracted when you're together...

4. She's less affectionate: If your girl is no longer interested in physical affection or intimacy...

3. She fights with you more than ever: If your girl is picking fights or being more argumentative than usual...

2. She spends more time on her phone: If your girl is constantly glued to her phone, texting or scrolling through social media...

1. Her schedule has changed suddenly: If your girl is suddenly busy every time you want to spend time together...

If you're recognizing a few of these signs, it may be time to have an open and honest conversation with your girl.

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