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4 Tips on How to Grow More Sales

4 Tips on How to Grow More Sales - MirrorLog

 Selling can be challenging because it involves a complex process of human behavior and cognition. Whether you're selling a digital product online or you run a brick-and-mortar business, these few tips will work for you.

They'll help you drive more visitors into your marketing funnel and convert casual visits into sales.

1. Sell Yourself Before Selling a Product: You're a product, and like any product , yo have to successfully communicate the value of the product. Until that happens, you'll find it difficult to sell your actual product or services. Before anybody is going to buy from you or your company, they've got to buy the idea that you're somebody worth working with. In other words, just like a job candidate, your first task is always selling yourself.

It's simple: Become passionate about your product.

When you're selling yourself, you're not concerned about the money. Your responsibility is to educate other human minds as you convey your brand's core message.

Learning how to sell yourself first is critical to your success. No matter what product you're offering for sale, do your best to connect with and communicate your core brand values to your prospects.

2. Build Interest and Desire With Features and Benefits: Sell the benefits, not the features. Whether you're selling via email, direct mail or social selling, highlight the benefits as well as the features of your product.

Starting with the strongest benefits of your product will reassure customers that you care about them , not just their money. Selling with benefits means that you're transparent with your customers.

Dan Kennedy wrote sales copy that generated over $10 million in sales over the years. It's the same with Eben Pegan, Frank Kern and several top digital entrepreneurs.

These people were successful because they focused on benefits, not features. Successful selling boils down to one thing: showing your customers how your offer/product meets their needs.

However, in order to avoid misleading prospect and customers, you have to start by building interest with features, then you increase their desire for your product with benefits

When people are searching for a solution to meet their needs, what their brain function is actually looking for is a feature that appeals to them.

Customers are happy to spend money on product that'll make their lives better.

3. Use Influence to Drive Value: Influence is your ability to persuade others to adopt your own perspective, e.g. you believe in your product(online course, eBooks, software) so you naturally want others to believe in it too.

Your ability to persuade others in this way by appealing to their emotions will increase your sales. Influential people tend to sell more product, not because they've created the best product, but because over the years, they've built credibility. People trust their opinions.

4. Sell The Result: Sell the result by painting a clear picture, If you don't do that consistently, you'll likely struggle to acquire qualified leads and increase conversion and revenue.

These days, most of us are selling to a new generation of customers, The Millennials, Millennials are a unique set of people born between 1982 and 2000 and making up 26% of the world's population. Over 23% of millennials hold a bachelor's degree or higher, making them the most educated generation in history. Even if today's customers haven't graduated college, they do know what they're after in a product.

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