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At Least 7 Dead as Taiwan Experiences Its Strongest Earthquake in 25 Years

At Least 7 Dead as Taiwan Experiences Its Strongest Earthquake in 25 Years - MirrorLog

A huge earthquake hit Taiwan's east coast on Wednesday. It was the biggest one in 25 years, with a strength of 7.4. This caused a lot of damage, especially in Hualien city, and sadly, at least seven people died while hundreds were hurt. Here's what you need to know:

Strength and Location: The earthquake was very strong, shaking buildings all over Taiwan. It happened close to Hualien city. This quake was felt even in the far, mountainous areas of Taiwan, causing big landslides.
People Affected: At least seven people have lost their lives, and over 50 are injured. Some are stuck in buildings or tunnels, waiting to be rescued.
Tsunami Warnings: The quake caused alarm over possible tsunamis, leading to warnings in Taiwan and nearby countries.
Damage: Many buildings in Hualien fell down, and the shock was felt strongly in Taipei, Taiwan's capital. Some places lost power and the internet.
Impact on Businesses: A big company that makes computer chips, TSMC, had to send some workers home to keep them safe. This company is really important because it makes parts for brands like Apple and Nvidia.
History: The last big earthquake before this one was in 1999. It was very destructive, too.
Rescue teams are working hard to save people trapped in tunnels. The quake happened early in the morning and was followed by more shakes throughout the day. Most of the trapped are in two tunnels in Hualien, and rescuers are also helping others in different spots.

The government has sent soldiers to help and told schools and offices to close for safety. Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen has promised to help everyone affected.

At Least 7 Dead as Taiwan Experiences Its Strongest 1

Taiwan is used to earthquakes because it's on a part of the Earth where these things happen often. The last quake this big was in 1999, which was even stronger and caused a lot of sadness.

At Least 7 Dead as Taiwan Experiences Its Strongest 2

The damage is still being looked at, with many buildings and a major highway affected. Efforts to help those trapped and fix the damage are ongoing.

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