pickup_lines - MirrorLog pickup_lines MirrorLog.com watermark 1 month ago

Dating Tips: Why Texting 24/7 is the Ultimate Relationship Advice.

Texting ain't dating. If your relationship is all about texts and calls then you're not in a relationship.

Real life is way more fun than online life.

Why you should text and why you shouldn't when datingย 

Look, texting is cool for quick stuff, like making plans or saying hi. But it's not a real relationship.ย You can't feel someone's energy, their vibe, or really connect with them through a tiny screen. It's like trying to taste a pizza from the box. It's just a box, not the real pizza ๐Ÿ•.ย 

Sure, texting can be fun, but it's not the main course. The real deal is hanging out, laughing together, and creating memories.ย 

So, put down your phone and pickup your life. You'll be surprised how much more fulfilling your life becomes.

Wanna know a secret? People crave real interactions. They want to feel seen, heard, and valued. Texting can't do that. So, be the person who steps up and makes it happen. Invite them out, suggest an activity, and show up. That's how you build something special.

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