Lola - MirrorLog Lola 1 week ago watermark

How to be happy always by boosting your mood

How to be happy always by boosting your mood - MirrorLog

Want to feel happy and awesome? It's easier than you think! Let's talk about the 4 happy chemicals in your brain:

Dopamine: The Happy Surprise

- Try something new and exciting!
- Jam out to your favorite tunes!
- Crush a small to-do list and feel proud!

Serotonin: The Mood Lifter

- Get some sunshine and soak it up!
- Chill out with meditation or deep breathing!
- Move your body and get those endorphins going!
- Eat a healthy snack and nourish your body!

Oxytocin: The Love Potion

- Treat yourself to a massage or spa day!
- Show love and kindness to those around you!
- Hang out with friends and family and have a blast!
- Do something nice for someone and feel the love!

Endorphins: The Natural High

- Exercise and get those feel-good vibes!
- Create something amazing and show it off!
- Practice yoga or meditation and find your zen!
- Laugh out loud and often - it's contagious!

By practicing these happy hacks daily, you'll be boosting your mood and living your best life!

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