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How to Behave on a First Date 🌹

How to Behave on a First Date 🌹 - MirrorLog

To ensure that the first date is not the last, you need to understand a few simple rules:

Be chilled 

Be easy and have fun conversations about simple, everyday topics.

Stay confident

It's okay to be nervous on a first date. Acting confident and being yourself is the surest way to look natural.

Dress appropriately

Usually, on a first date, a man looks at a woman from head to toe, and she tries to impress him.

Smell nice

Take care when choosing a fragrance. Without knowing your date's preferences, choose unobtrusive, light scents for yourself.

Don't be a drag

Don't burden him with your problems and don't complain.

Take off the rose-tinted glasses

Do not embellish the image of a man, do not praise him excessively, and do not make long-range plans for him.

If the date was interesting, don't forget to thank him for an enjoyable time.

We've all felt that first date anxiety—the butterflies in your stomach, the sweaty palms, the worry about saying something dumb. It's totally normal!
Instead of stressing out, focus on staying calm and being your genuine self. Confidence is key, and guess what? Just acting confident can actually make you feel more at ease.
So take a deep breath, smile, and remember: your date is probably just as nervous as you are.

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