How to Build a Web App Using WebRTC and Laravel
WebRTC with Laravel is a game-changer for real-time communication.
But it's far more complex than Pusher, and most developers give up too soon.
Here's how to build a "Request a Doctor" app using WebRTC and Laravel in 5 simple steps:
Set up your Laravel project
composer create-project laravel/laravel request-doctor-app
cd request-doctor-app
Install WebRTC package
composer require spatie/laravel-webrtc
Create a controller for handling video calls
php artisan make:controller VideoCallController
Implement basic WebRTC logic in VideoCallController
use Spatie\WebRTC\WebRTC;
class VideoCallController extends Controller
public function initiateCall($doctorId)
$webrtc = new WebRTC();
$offer = $webrtc->createOffer();
// Store offer in database and notify doctor
return response()->json(['offer' => $offer]);
public function answerCall($callId)
// Retrieve offer from database
$webrtc = new WebRTC();
$answer = $webrtc->createAnswer($offer);
// Update call status in database
return response()->json(['answer' => $answer]);
Set up front-end to handle WebRTC connections
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
// When doctor answers
pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer));
// Handle incoming video stream
pc.ontrack = function(event) {
document.getElementById('doctorVideo').srcObject = event.streams[0];
Unlike Pusher, WebRTC allows direct peer-to-peer connections, reducing latency and server load. It's perfect for high-quality video calls in healthcare apps.
Now you can create a seamless doctor consultation experience. What feature will you add next to your app? Drop a comment below with your biggest WebRTC challenge.