MirrorVlogger - MirrorLog MirrorVlogger MirrorLog.com watermark 1 month ago

How to Optimize Your Web Application

Best practices will only slow down your app.
The more rules you follow, the slower your app gets.

Here’s why: Best practices are like a map—helpful, but not always the shortest route. Your app is unique. Find its own slow parts. Is it loading data too slowly? Running too many checks? Identify these trouble spots. Then, fix them one by one.

How to optimize your web app

Start by looking at your app's slowest parts. Use Laravel's tools to pinpoint the issues. Once you know what's slowing you down, you can make targeted improvements.

Give this approach a try, and let me know how it boosts your app's speed!

If you want to Stop Killing Your Database (and Your Patience), you should definitely check out this guide https://www.mirrorlog.com/laravel-eloquent-stop-killing-your-database-and-your-patience

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