Lola - MirrorLog Lola watermark 1 year ago

Mind bending psychology trick to make someone share information

Mind bending psychology trick to make someone share information - MirrorLog

One of the best tricks in psychology to make someone share more information is to use Cunningham's law.

According to this law, if you want the correct answer on the internet, don't ask a question directly; instead, post the wrong answer.

This principle can also be applied in real-life conversations. If you want an interesting and intelligent response from someone, avoid asking direct questions. Instead, ask a silly question or provide an incorrect answer. This will spark their desire to correct you and showoff their knowledge.

For example, if you want to know more about what someone does as an engineer, don't ask them, "so what do you do as an engineer?" That's too boring and straightforward. Instead, try something like, "So, as an engineer, does that mean you design engines?"

This approach will make them eager to explain their actual work and clarify how it differs from your assumption. They might even provide examples or stories to illustrate their points.

This trick is also useful for engaging in small talk because it demonstrates your curiosity and genuine interest in their perspective.

By using these psychological tendencies, the trick takes advantage of how people naturally behave. It makes them want to fix wrong information, show what they know, and feel proud about it. This makes them want to share more details and have a meaningful talk.

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