Lola - MirrorLog Lola 3 months ago watermark

Should You Eat Sugar When Sick? See How It affects Your Health and Healing Speed

Should You Eat Sugar When Sick? See How It affects Your Health and Healing Speed - MirrorLog

Eating too much sugar can weaken your body's ability to fight off sickness!

Experts in body health have found out that if you eat sugar, for about six to seven hours afterwards, your body's defense system against germs gets much weaker—up to 17 times weaker! This happens because sugar looks a lot like vitamin C, which is a superhero for our immune system.

When we eat a lot of sugar, our body might get mixed up and grab sugar instead of vitamin C. Our immune cells, which usually munch on vitamin C to stay strong, might end up taking in sugar by mistake. Sugar is made of two parts: glucose and fructose, and when they get inside these cells, they can cause a lot of trouble, making it hard for our bodies to fight off illnesses.

So, when you're sick, choosing sweet things like sugary drinks or syrups might not be the best idea, as it could make it harder for you to get better, instead of reaching for sugary snacks and drinks, it's a good idea to choose healthier options like fruits, vegetables, or even honey. These alternatives can help support your body's fight against illness without the downside of weakening your immune system like sugar can.

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