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Stop Obsessing Over Clean Code: Here’s How to Deliver Fast and Stay Clean Enough

Stop Obsessing Over Clean Code: Here’s How to Deliver Fast and Stay Clean Enough - MirrorLog

Clean code is a waste of time. You should focus on shipping features as fast as possible to meet deadlines and provide value to customers. But wait, that's not the whole story. In reality, clean code and meeting deadlines aren't mutually exclusive - you can have both.

Let's break this down. Clean code matters, but so does shipping products.

How to balance clean code and shipping products

  • Start with the basics. Use clear names for variables and functions. Keep things simple. Don't try to be clever.
  • Break big problems into small pieces. It's easier to write clean code for small tasks. Big messy problems lead to big messy code.
  • Automate what you can. Use tools to check your code style. This saves arguments later.
  • Focus on the important stuff first. Get the core features working. Clean up the details later if you have time.
  • Write tests for the key parts. This lets you change things faster later. You'll know if you break something important.
  • Comment your code, but not too much. Explain the tricky bits. Leave out the obvious stuff.
  • Refactor as you go. Clean up messy parts when you touch them, and don't let the mess spread.
  • Know when to stop. Perfect is the enemy of done. Ship it when it's good enough.
  • Talk to your team. Agree on standards that work for everyone. Be flexible when needed.

Remember why you're coding. It's to solve problems for users. Clean code helps, but it's not the goal.

By following these steps, you can write cleaner code without missing deadlines. It's not about perfect code. It's about code that works and others can understand. 

What do you think? Have you found ways to balance clean code and fast delivery? Share your tips in the comments. Let's learn from each other and build better software together.

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