More in "Did You Know?" Series
The dates 4/4, 6/6, 10/10 and 12/12 all fall on the same day of the week every year. They're called doomsdays. -
Your body is the weakest during 3 am - 4 am. This is the time most people die in their sleep.
One reason men cry less than women is because they have larger tear ducts, preventing their eyes from leaking easily.
Research has shown that people are happiest at 7:26pm on Saturday evening.
Water is the only substance that is found naturally on Earth in three forms - liquid, solid and gas. -
There is a type of tree called rainbow eucalyptus tree, whose bark naturally contains various colors.
To protect paintings from rodents, around 70 cats work at the Hermitage.
Reindeers are so well-adapted to the Arctic winter, they are more likely to overheat than freeze in the cold.
According to one survey, men spend nearly a year of their life staring at women.
Did you know? Drinking alcohol improves your ability to speak a foreign language.
Condemned Prisoners In Ancient Rome - What Happens To Them?
Fun Fact About Spotify You Didn't Know Until Now
The biggest concert in the world
Iceland has such a low crime rate that tourists sometimes spend the night in empty cells of local prisons who have not f ...Read more -
You can catch a cold from being cold. (Incorrect: Colds are caused by viruses, not temperature, though cold can lower im ...Read more -
Tsundoku (Japanese): The act of buying books and letting them pile up in your home without reading them.
Before the eleventh century, doctors would drink their patients' urine to determine whether or not they had diabetes. A ...Read more
How did Instagram got it's name? -
What is night owl syndrome? -
Richard Nixon once ordered a nuclear strike on North Korea
Laptop Heat: A Potential Threat to Male Fertility -
Longest Ear Hair in the World: Anthony Victor’s Incredible Guinness World Record
Hollywood Shocker: Billionaire Actor's Success Story Defies Box Office Logic
Did you know? You can face up to 300 days in jail if you break the court's rules ten times. -
Did you know sunlight boosts testosterone in men? Soak up the sun to enhance mood, energy, and hormone levels naturally.
Did you know? No number from 1 to 999 has the letter 'a' when written out.
The human brain can process up to 11 million bits of information per second. However, the conscious mind is far more lim ...Read more
Vivienne Jolie-Pitt Story: Why She Wasn't Scared of Maleficent's Dark Look
The Vivienne: From Drag Race UK Champion to Global Star - Complete Guide
Zendaya is taller than Tom Holland. Tom Holland is 5'8" and Zendaya is 5'10". Despite this, the couple doesn't let socie ...Read more
Onomatomania (noun): The frustration of not being able to think of the right word
Dolphins aren't automatic air-breathers like humans. Each breath is a conscious effort
Isaac Newton predicted the world would end in 2060
In Finland, fines for traffic violations are not fixed like in the rest of the world, but depend on the driver's monthly ...Read more
What would happen if you leave a baby on their back too often?
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